Medical Advancements – Gardner MA

The City of Gardner Massachusetts has accomplished successes in Medical Advancments, including, but not limited to:

Local Community Hospital with many advanced services and constant improvements

Community Health Connections State-of-the Art facility

Private company Vivitide making peptides and servicing other medical providers at a distance.

Unprecedented acclaim of handing of vaccine deployment during various stages of the Covid pandemic spoke with Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson about what Gardner has accomplished in the area of excellent Medical Care. Here’s what he had to say:

Mayor Nicholson: Heywood Hospital is currently in the middle of their expansion in their Surgical Pavilion. This will allow them to increase their surgical capacity by about 60% by allowing them to have new operating rooms that are state of the art and really have more recovery rooms there. Right now the operating rooms at Hayward Hospital were constructed in the 1960s and can’t fit modern surgical equipment in there. But what this also will do now is allow people to not have to travel to Worcester or Boston for certain medical procedures. And get those here in Gardner and really open up a new medical market that people just haven’t had access to here in the North Central Mass and the North Quabbin region. Over on the other side of Gardner, the Community Health Center has the new location that they are opening in the city. That will have family and medical practice, dental practices, mental health counseling and urgent care services. Opening that up to not only Gardner and South Gardner, but also the smaller towns that are in that area. Hubbardston, Rutland, Barre. And just creating a new resource there. And what it does is it makes Gardner the hub for all things, whether it be grocery shopping to medical support to dentists visits and everything in between. And it really just helps people have the services they need for a healthy lifestyle right here